Some said that it was very unfair, for him and for his family. Opinions were divided about the final verdict for the music producer and husband of Natti Natasha.

What do the fans think about this situation? PHOTO: Instagram Filed Under: Raphy Pina 41 months in jail A few months ago, he gave his point of view about the situation. Worst of all, one of his weapons was altered to fire automatically, «I tarnished my father’s legacy,» he said through tears during his final statement before the judge, according to Suelta la Sopa. Suelta La Sopa reported that the music producer and director of Pina Records was found guilty of illegal possession of weapons, landing him in jail for 41 months. They just gave bad news to Natti Natasha’s husband. Raphy Pina will go to jail for almost 4 years PHOTO: Instagram A few months ago the Federal Court of Puerto Rico found him guilty of two federal charges for weapons possession, placing him under house arrest until April of this year. Things have gotten quite complicated for music producer Raphy Piña. The producer and director of Pina Records was sentenced to 41 months in jail. Raphy Pina sentenced to 41 months in jail: After Puerto Rican music producer, Raphy Pina had been fighting for months to avoid going to jail for illegal possession of weapons, he finally got bad news.

What the music producer said before his sentence.What was the crime that Natti Natasha’s husband committed?.Raphy Pina is sentenced to 41 months in jail.